
Digital Learning Department

LCISD Digital Learning Resources Title Image
Coding is quickly growing into a skill that our children need to have an understanding of. It teaches valuable skills for most any career. It is also great for building a student's soft skills, such as problem solving, communication, collaboration, and creativity.Coding prompts students to look at the "big picture" and see a process through from start to finish. It forces them to think through, analyze, each step of the process and adjust as needed to complete, or solve the problem. The following resources from explain this in more detail.

Growing Readers - ENG

Growing Readers - SP

Hour of Code Resources

While Hour of Code is observed during the week of Computer Science Education Week, in early December, students can participate in the activities year round. Coding is a part of everyday life, and it is an essential skill needed for many jobs today. That number will only continue to increase. It is never too soon to get your children involved in coding. 

Below you will find some online resources that are recommended for school-age children to begin to learn about coding. You will also find that these sites don't stop at the beginner level. Students can continue to visit these sites to learn more advanced skills as well.


Elementary Online Resources

Kodable.comStudents learn core programming concepts through engaging games.  Intended for grades K-5.
Code.orgAn education non-profit that believes every student has the opportunity to learn computer science and coding. Click this link to go directly to Elementary Activities.
CodeHS.comCodeHS believes coding is a foundational skill for the 21st century, just like reading and writing. Use the filters on the CodeHS Hour of Code page to search for elementary activities.


Secondary Online Resources

Khan AcademyActivities with drawing, building websites, and working with data through online programs and activities.
Code.orgAn education non-profit that believes every student has the opportunity to learn computer science and coding. Click this link to go directly to Secondary Activities.
CodeHS.comCodeHS believes coding is a foundational skill for the 21st century, just like reading and writing. Use the filters on the CodeHS Hour of Code page to search for secondary activities.





Coding at Home

The QR codes below, or associated links, will take you to a presentation page that has a number of different activities you can do with your children at home. Check them out!

Coding at Home

Cloud Site