
Mission Statement and Goals

Department of Multilingual Education

Mission Statement

Our Mission is to inspire, support and motivate students by removing cultural, linguistic and social barriers so that each student receives an exemplary education, achieve academic, linguistic and social success, and participate in future social, economic, and educational opportunities.


The Accelerated Language Program Department will always commit to

  1. demonstrating appreciation and providing awareness for diverse LCISD student cultures and languages.

  2. promoting high academic student success by implementing instructional classroom practices that are founded on standards and research-based sheltered instructional strategies.

  3. creating integral opportunities for meaningful & healthy partnerships between school, families and community in order to nourish the linguistic, academic and emotional needs of English learners.

  4. offering collaborative opportunities for LCISD educators to develop student focused goal setting, problem solving and critical thinking skills.

  5. cultivating inclusive learning experiences designed to value multilanguage and diverse cultures within LCISD campuses.

  6. ensuring linguistic equity and providing students with access to cultural relevant resources and educational experiences.

  7. promoting mastery of the English language in listening, speaking, reading and writing through the utilization of content and language support in order to become English Proficient and/or achieve the Seal of Biliteracy.

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