
Testing Calendars

Below are the testing calendars for the 2024-2025 School Year (Revised August 9, 2024):

2024-2025 Elementary Testing Calendar

2024-2025 Middle School - Junior High Testing Calendar

2024-2025 High School Testing Calendar

Please Note: Testing dates are subject to change by either the District or the Texas Education Agency.

State and Local Testing Programs

The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness, or STAAR, is the state testing program that was implemented in the 2011-2012 school year. STAAR is an assessment program designed to measure the extent to which students have learned and are able to apply the knowledge and skills defined in the state-mandated curriculum standards, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). The STAAR program includes STAAR, STAAR Spanish, and STAAR-Alternate 2.

For more information about the STAAR program, click here. If you have questions about the STAAR or district testing programs, please contact your child's campus or call the Research, Assessment, & Accountability Department at 832-223-0136.

College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) Testing

Weekday CCMR Testing

Dates for the below tests are included in the LCISD State and Local Testing Calendar and are required offerings.


LCISD students in grades 8, 9, 10, and 11 will take the PSAT 8/9 or PSAT NMSQT at no charge in October 2024. For further PSAT enrollment information, please contact your school's Campus Testing Coordinator.

SAT School Day

LCISD students in grade 11 will take the School Day SAT in March 2025 at no charge. For more information, contact your Campus Testing Coordinator.

Texas Success Initiative Assessment 2.0 (TSIA 2) 

The TSIA 2 gives an opportunity for students to demonstrate eligibility to take dual credit or non-remedial college courses at Texas community and junior colleges without having to master the SAT or ACT. Please contact your Campus Testing Coordinator or College and Career Facilitator for more details.

TSIA 2 will be offered on during the windows listed on the high school testing calendar above.

Advanced Placement (AP) Testing

Students enrolled in Advanced Placement (AP) courses are eligible to take the College Board AP test at the each May. Students that score 3 or higher on these exams may be eligible to receive college credit. Please contact your school counselor for more information.

Weekend CCMR Testing

In addition to the above listed tests that are offered during the school day, the following assessments are offered on weekends.

Please Note: These assessments may require a nominal fee. Please contact your high school counselor or College and Career Facilitator for more details.

American College Testing (ACT)

The ACT gives students an alternative to the Scholastic Aptitude Test for meeting college entrance requirements. Please see your high school counselor or College and Career Facilitator for more details on enrollment requirements and related fees.

Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)

In addition to offering the School Day SAT, College Board offers several weekend sessions for the SAT college entrance exam. Please note, however, that all weekend administrations require students to register directly with College Board and pay all related fees. Please see your high school counselor or College and Career Facilitator for more details on enrollment requirements and related fees.

2024-2025 SAT and ACT Saturday Testing Dates and Locations

Credit by Exam: Grade Advancement

Credit by Exam for students seeking grade advancement from Kindergarten through Grade Eight is available during August, October, January and April -- specific windows are listed in the district testing calendars. Campus principals must approve students to be tested. Per state and local policies, students must be tested in the following areas and achieve the indicated level of mastery:

- In order to advance from Kindergarten, a student must answer a minimum of 80% questions correct on individual criterion-referenced assessments in Math and Reading.

- In order to advance a grade level in Grades 1-8, a student must answer a minimum of 80% questions correct on individual criterion-referenced assessments in Science, Social Studies, Math, and Reading.

Assessments for grade advancement are purchased and scored from the University of Texas Virtual School. For information on this program, click here.

Exams will be administered at the student's home campus. For more information, please contact your school counselor or the Research, Assessment, and Accountability Department at 832-223-0136.

Credit by Exam: High School Credit

Credit by Exam for students seeking high school credit is administered four times each academic year August, October, January, and April. Specific windows are posted on the district testing calendar. Per state law, students needing to gain high school credit must follow the below criteria:

- In order to receive credit for a course that a student has not previously taken, a student must earn a 80% or higher on an exam from either the University of Texas or Texas Tech University.

- In order to receive credit for a course that a student has previously taken, a student must earn a 70% or higher on an exam from either the University of Texas or Texas Tech University.

Exams will be ordered and administered by either the high school or junior high the student attends. For more information, please contact your school counselor or the Research, Assessment, & Accountability Department at 832-223-0136. 

Performance Reports and Legal Postings

For information about district and campus academic performance, including state and federally required performance reports and district and campus improvement plans, click here.

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