Lamar CISD values the input of community partners and parents in the important decisions that take place within our district. If you are interested in serving on one of our district Advisory Committees, please complete the application found below. A district staff person will contact you with more information.
Attendance Boundary Committee
The Attendance Boundary Committee will provide community and parent involvement in redrawing attendance boundaries to accommodate new growth or shifts in its student population. The committee would review the supporting data and work to propose possible zoning plans.
Membership of the ABC will consist of two representatives from each elementary and middle school campus and three representatives from each junior high and high school campus.
The campus administrator will select campus representatives with the entire committee approved by the Board. Appropriate central administrators will serve as resources as needed. District information and the Board’s charge for rezoning considerations would be presented to the entire committee.
Only representatives from campuses affected by rezoning and their feeder schools would be involved in making the rezoning recommendations to be presented to the Board. Current Board members cannot serve on the Attendance Boundary Committee.
LCISD Zoning Process (.pdf)
School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)
Mission Statement: The Lamar CISD SHAC serves in an advisory capacity to the Board of Trustees by working together to improve the health of all students and families through Coordinated School Health programs.
Duties: To work cooperatively with students, parents, community members, school personnel, District administration and our School Board regarding the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the District’s coordinated school health program.
Counsel make-up: A majority of the members must be parents of students enrolled in the District and who are not employed by the District.
One or more teachers, administrators, District students, health care professionals, members of the business community, law enforcement representatives, senior citizens, clergy, and representatives of nonprofit health organizations may also be a part of the committee.
Current Areas of Focus Include:
- Health Education including Human Sexuality Instruction
- Counseling, Psychological and Social Services
- Social and Emotional School Climate
- Family Engagement
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Advisory Council
Mission statement of CTE Advisory council:
This council will support high quality technical education for students of all levels by fostering mutually beneficial partnerships with local businesses, offering council on the current and future labor markets to LCISD administration and by creating awareness of how Career and Technical Education positively impact our community.
Philosophy - In support of this council's mission statement we agree to adhere to the following operating philosophy:
- We will operate with the highest degree of integrity.
- We will work to compliment local municipalities' efforts to attract new and dynamic businesses to this area.
- We will always require student well-being and safety as the top priority.
- We will support the Lamar CISD Career and Technical staff to the best of our ability.
- We will provide unwavering dedication to the goal of producing the most employable graduates in Fort Bend County.