
CTE Image Gallery

Executive Director of CTE and Career Readiness  
Kayse Lazar, Ed.D
[email protected]

Admin. Asst. to Director of CTE
Becky Guntle
[email protected]

CTE Coordinator - Animal Science, Applied Agricultural Engineering, Plant Science, Carpentry, HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing, Culinary Arts, Law Enforcement, Distribution & Logistics
Patricia Brown
[email protected]

CTE Coordinator - Design & Multimedia, Digital Communications, Teaching & Training, Health Science – Dental, PCT, Pharmacy, Programming & Software Development, Cosmetology, ROTC
Pam Fyke
[email protected]

CTE Coordinator - Business Management, Marketing, Career Investigations, Welding with TSTC, Cybersecurity with TSTC, Engineering, Automotive Technology, Diesel with TSTC, Paint & Body, Drones
Kristin Gann
[email protected]


Career and Technical Education Advisory Council

Mission Statement

This council will support high quality technical education for students of all levels by fostering mutually beneficial partnerships with local businesses, offering council on the current and future labor markets to LCISD administration and by creating awareness of how Career and Technical Education positively impacts our local community.


In support of this council's mission statement we agree to adhere to the following operating philosophy:

  • We will operate with the highest degree of integrity.
  • We will work to compliment local municipalities efforts to attract new and dynamic businesses to this area.
  • We will always require student well-being and safety as the top priority.
  • We will support the Lamar CISD Career and Technical Education staff to the best of our ability.
  • We will provide unwavering dedication to the goal of producing the most employable graduates in Fort Bend County.


  • Advise the District in both long and short-range planning for Career and Technical Education programs,
  • Advise the District of current job needs and of the relevance of Career and Technical Education programs and courses offered by the District,
  • Provide a forum for recommending equipment and training so that Career and Technical Education can adequately meet its goals,
  • Encourage students to continue their education and preparation for a career beyond the high school level, and
  • Enhance political and community involvement and support for Career and Technical Education in our community and the state of Texas.

Code of Ethics:

  • As a member of the Council, I will strive to improve public education and to that end I will:
  • Attend all regularly scheduled Council meetings,
  • Base decisions on facts and not surrender to individual or special interest groups,
  • Seek systematic communication between the Council, committee members and staff,
  • Avoid conflict of interest and refrain from using my position for personal or partisan gain,
  • Take no action that will compromise the Council or school and respect the confidentiality of information, and
  • Remember always that my first and greatest concern must be the educational welfare of the students attending public schools.


The leadership team for each year will be determined by a majority vote at the last scheduled Council meeting for the year. The Chairperson must be elected from among those active Advisory Council members who have served for a full year during the current school year.


Members of the Advisory Council are to be presently engaged or connected with the workplace in a position directly related to a Career and Technical Education program offered by LCISD, be a community college representative, workforce representative, or be a student, former student or parent of a student. These members are to represent business, industry, and labor located within the District area or Southwest/West Houston corridor. They are to be interested and enthusiastic about Career and Technical Education and willing to invest time to serve adequately on the Council.

Member Composition:

The Lamar CISD Career and Technical Education Advisory Council consists of:

  • Chairperson
  • Co-Chairperson
  • Subcommittee Chairpersons' one per subcommittee
  • Members At Large in Council
  • HS counselor (1 per campus), representative from District's Community Relations office, CTE graduate, additional representation from area community colleges and business/industry as needed in subcommittees.
  • The CTE Director and/or other CTE staff will serve as liaisons to the Council. The CTE Administrative Assistant will serve as secretary for the Council.


At least three general meetings of the Council are to be held during the school year. These meetings are to be held in September, December and May. Notification of the meetings will be sent to members in the summer and also one week prior to the meeting date. The Chairperson may call special meetings as needed.


Advisory Council will have a set of officers for the council and subcommittees. Potential members of the Council are recommended by CTE staff and current Advisory members. Names of these individuals will be forwarded onto the Co-Chairperson.

Committees are formed district-wide, not by campus.

Leadership Responsibilities:

The Council Chairperson will serve a term of one year as the principal leader of the Council. They will also serve one additional year after their term in an advisory capacity to the new chairperson. Their responsibilities associated with this position include:

  • Work to follow the mission statement, philosophy and goals associated with the Council,
  • Communicate with CTE office on educational goals and district priorities,
  • Work with the CTE Director to set direction for the Council,
  • Work with CTE Director and CTE Administrative Assistant on meeting agendas,
  • Work with the Co-Chairperson on membership and organization of Council,
  • Work with CTE Director to ensure that program evaluations are distributed to Council members at the December meeting and turned in by the April meeting,
  • Work with the Co-Chairperson to summarize reports from Subcommittee Chairpersons, and
  • Work with Co-Chairperson and Subcommittee Chairpersons on district or educational updates.

The Council Co-Chairperson will serve for one year under the Council Chairperson and will then take on the duties and responsibilities noted above of the Council's Chairperson. The responsibilities associated with this position include:

  • Work with the Chairperson to further the mission, goals and philosophy of the Council,
  • Meet with prospective new members so there is a clear understanding of the goals and direction of the Council,
  • Work with the Subcommittee Chairperson to assist new members in their role as a subcommittee member
  • The Subcommittee Chairperson will serve in this position as long as the subcommittee determines. The role of this position is to seek to improve the program areas by:
  • Prioritizing subcommittee initiatives,
  • Becoming familiar with current courses and programs offered in the program area,
  • Visit or observe a minimum of two (2) hours per program site.
  • Coordinate members so instructional observations are completed prior to general Council meetings,
  • Provide feedback to teachers in regard to quality and efficacy of the program and its' relevance to current business practices,
  • Work with teachers toward a shared vision for the program's future,
  • Serve as a resource person for teachers/students by sharing your expertise in the field and a guest speaker if needed,
  • Provide leadership for reviewing the program and actively facilitating the process,
  • Present the findings at the May meeting of the Council, and
  • Assist Subcommittee members so they observe a minimum of one (1) hour per program site.

CTE Advisory Council Members

Adrienne Barker
George Foundation

Gilbert Barrera
Houston Methodist Hospital

Ammie Blahuta
George Foundation

Teena Caldwell
Twenty-Two Fifty Interiors and Gifts

Christina Craft
Jr Achievement of SE Texas

J. Craig Cryer, PT
Cryer Therapy Services

Nichelle Everett
Director of Pharmacy

Marcia Holmes
Gurecky Manufacturing

Drew Jones
LCISD-Food Service

Marray S. Mbayo
LCISD-Food Service

Eric Morse
Texas Mobile Catering, LLC

Scott Podsim
Commerce Bank

Robert Rausch, Sr.
Retired Engineer

Danny Roach
Richmond Police Department

Brice Stanford
Stanford Engineering

Graig Temple
Ft. Bend County Texas

Andrew Vanchau
Quo Vadis Strategies

Kristin Weiss
Central Fort Bend Chamber of Commerce

Associate Members

Roosevelt Nivens, Ed.D, Superintendent
Lamar CISD   

Kayse Lazar, Ed.D, Executive Director of CTE and Career Readiness
Lamar CISD

Alphonso Bates, Deputy Superintendent
Lamar CISD

Becky Guntle
LCISD CTE Department, Administrative Assistant

Pamela Fyke
CTE Coordinator

Patricia Brown
CTE Coordinator

Kristin Gann
CTE Coordinator

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