WOW! What a great turnout we had for our Veteran’s Day program on Monday. The 7:00 pm performance had a very large number of veterans attending and they were all recognized at the end of the performance. Thanks to Mrs. Brown, our music teacher, and all of the 4th and 5th grade students who helped make Veteran’s Day a wonderful event.
On Thursday, we will be having a Lockdown Drill at 1:30. All schools are required to participate in this type of drill so that they may be prepared if the need should arise in the future. If you are planning on being at school or need to pick up your child early, please be aware of this time as we will not be able to release students until after the drill. The drill should take no more than 15 minutes so by 1:45, students may be picked up.
The drive out in front of the school is renamed each year for the family that purchases the rights to the sign at the school carnival silent auction. Previously the drive was called Kay’s Way which was named for Kay Danziger who purchased it the previous year. Some people were under the impression that the drive was named for Mr. K, a former staff member who passed away suddenly a few years ago. While we miss Mr. K and will always remember him, the front drive will continue to be renamed each year by the family that buys the rights for the name. The new name will soon become Brady Street.
This week we have our annual Turkey Trot on Friday which is our Schoolwalk for Diabetes (don’t forget to bring your envelopes back!). In addition, we have Twin Day/Triplet Day/etc. where the students can dress up alike for the nominal fee of $1.00. Thanksgiving is getting close!